Saturday, March 6, 2010

Is this for REAL?

Well this week has been interesting and long. Friday I had to go and renew my license. So I showered, primped and HOPED for a good picture. Things were going well until the guy asked me if anything had changed?? Hmmm I asked if a few pounds made a difference?? He quickly replied..."not really". "Oh" I said feeling like a dork for asking...maybe hoping he would say something like you can't be this heavy of course let's update!! I don't really know why I hesitated to tell him to adjust the weight, but I didn't?? The weight on my license was my "skinny" weight of course....the number where I felt my body just stayed if things were going well. Well in the past few months I have finally made that number go down. Now I have done that in the past but it seems to always go back up to THAT number. I am at the lowest weight I have been in many many years and really am not totally sold that this is going to be my NEW NUMBER. I want to be confident and know that I have changed and my body has reaped the benefits! Only time will tell...

I wish I could go back and say...change that number, but instead I now have a cushion for myself. Rats!! It's not really about the number may go back up as I get stronger right?? For the mean time I enjoying knowing that I am down and feeling good. As for the picture...I am thinking is an improvement but not great of course. If it could just be in black and white and a little smaller...I could totally be a super model I am sure.

As for my running update...I have had to take 2 days off due to my piriformis acting up. (Better known as my sore butt cheek) I am sure it is because I had a killer work out Thursday with my "trainer" and I did more lunges than I knew possible. I have been icing off and on all day and forced myself NOT to run on this beautiful spring day in hopes that I will be good to do a long run tomorrow with my new running buddy. So cross your fingers that freezing my butt cheek all day will have made a difference. I have decided that I now give myslef permission to opt out of so many lunges and will do my best to not feel wimpy for having to modify next time!

Looking forward to posting some GARMIN pics after the RUN!!! Enjoy the sunshine!


Hannah said...

Ah - the fabulous photo needed for driving. I am sure you looked fab - we are always our own worst critics!

Hope your butt cheek was adequately frozen so that you feel better soon. Here's to a great pain-free bum! :)

Jen said...

I never change my weight either.

Good job listening to your body. Keep it up and hope you get a run in soon.

5 Miles Past Empty said...

I know exactly what you are talking about! I have never changed my weight from my college weight, which happens to be abut 15pounds less than what I currently am. Ugh...

So sorry about the sore booty cheek! I hope it gets to feeling better soon!


Just found your blog and wanted to say hi!