When my husband was diagnosed with cancer almost two months ago...I changed.
I see my kids differently.
I see my friendships in a new way.
I offer more grace to my family.
I cling to Christ daily.
I want to learn more.
I want to run more.
I need friends more.
I am searching for God's will and plan.
I want to change and touch lives.
I want to be stronger.
I value post secondary education more. (this happens when you are faced with the idea of losing your husband and supporting your three children solo)
I am determined to finish my Masters (even though it will take years)
I feel refreshed to blog again.
I want to meet those bloggy ladies who have prayed with me along this journey.
I have things to say.
I am ready to get deep.
I have felt the presence of Christ.
I really "LOOK" at my husband. I am always trying to soak in his features.
I continue to pray for God to change me.
I have surrendered.
As I look at getting some type of Christmas card together I came across these old pictures and they make me SMILE. These moments captured are all gifts! I assumed when these pics where taken that I would have many more moments such as these. I now know that this is not always the case. Life changes in a moment.
Each moment captured in my mind each day is a gift.
When you recieve so many gifts you naturally want to GIVE more of yourself to others.
What will this look like in 2012 for me? I am not sure.
My husband still has a long road to go. He is mentally and physically fighting his way through journey and I am doing all I can to be by his side.
Even though his "athletic" days may be over...to me his an Olympic Champion training for his life!
He is inspiring so many people...even ME!
When I am inspired I RUN!! My goal now is simple. Run 100 miles in December and meet the goal of 1,000 miles for the year.
Anyone want to join me?? I am going to need a PUSH to make this happen.
Also be sure to check BACK soooon!!! Something arrived in the mail today and I plan TEST it out this weekend.
HINT: It will involve 36 degree weather!
Hubby supporting me after finish my second Marathon!
Easter long ago....look at my babies!
Care free days!!
Grace and gratitude are glorious things. You've got both. What a strong woman you are. Can't wait for you to Keep On Keeping On blogging!
Those are GREAT photos. Of course you know I love pics. :) Glad you're here sharing again. I want to be here too, in more than one way.
It's amazing how life can be altered so quickly! I have a lot of respect for the obstacles you guys are facing. It was one of the hardest things ever to see my brother go through his leg amputation! Through that he has touched so many lives. This tough situation will also put you in a position to touch lives you wouldn't have otherwise touched. I know it's hard, but hang in there! Always know I'm continually praying for you and your family
I will commit to run those miles with you. How do you want to stay accountable? Love ya lady :)
Beautiful Harmony. Your words are powerful. Bring on the deep! Excited to be keep being inspired by you. Love to you!
It's amazing how quickly life can change completely. We go through our days, often just working to get to the next day, and it's often not until we're faced with something life altering that we stop to pay attention and appreciate everything around us and all we have. Thanks for reminding us not to wait. I wish you and your family comfort and strength. Keep on running!
hi harmony, i have been reading your blog for a while but i think this is the first time i am commenting. this is such a beautiful post. you are truly amazing and i look forward to reading more as you continue to write. i will try for 100 miles in december! many blessings to you and your family!
Wishing you MANY more cafe free days ahead. Thinking of you and your family OFTEN and sending strength to all of you.
I've been thinking of you! We're going through hard time now as well, my father in law suffered a severe stroke, and the prognosis isn't good. Hugs to you!
Love you friend and I have tears in my eyes. Beautiful post!
You are an amazing and inspiring example on how to be strong and how to grow in a very challenging situation. I want you to know that even though we've not met in person, I pray for you, your husband and your family... for strength, healing, and peace. I hope this is a wonderful holiday season for your family. Hugs!
Thank you for sharing so honestly! I'll keep your family in prayer... I'd love to add you to my blogroll if that's okay!
Harmony, my blogging has been almost non existent in the last couple months but your family has not been far from my thoughts and prayers. Mere has kept me in the loop regarding his surgery. I have been wallowing in the fact that I've lost even the desire to run right now...reading your recent posts...humbles me and makes me remember WHY i run. Because I can. You and your husband are an inspiration. Tomorrows miles will be dedicated to you guys, renewing my DESIRE to run simply because I can, and talking to our sweet Lord and asking for complete healing, peace, and strength for the road ahead. Keep on Keeping On, Harmony!! I will run those miles with you this month!! May He continue to sustain you and keep you going one step at a time!! Hugs to you.
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