Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just Sayin'

So I love Runners World! It makes me smile when it arrives! I can hardly wait to find time to sit down and read!! It is my fav! I just have one question. WHY, WHY, WHY, does every cover have a woman running in a sports bra. I know some people do that but the MAJORITY of women you see at races will not be sporting a sports bra or a six pack. (and that is OK)

Props to those who do and can! But let's get real people!

I have run at home in a sports bra but don't see that in my public running days anytime soon. Just wish Runners World would show more variety in RUNNERS! We all know everyone can RUN with HARD WORK and DETERMINATION! Why not encourage newbie's and not intimidate them...you don't have to wait to look like this to get STARTED!

Just Sayin'


Paige (The Last Doughnut) said...

I agree. It's not so much that I care what they are wearing...they just all look the same! Just by the cover, you really can't tell one issue from the next!

Marlene said...

Couldn't agree more!!!

Kerrie said...

I was just wondering the SAME THING the other day!

Maia said...

years ago they said they were going to use pictures of 'real' runners...and it seems that they have been using more non-famous runners...but I agree- get "real" and show some "real" runners- you know, everyday people that are runners!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Let's see ALL KINDS OF RUNNERS! Not just the super fit, but all runners. Thanks for posting!

BigHappyFamily said...

Totally agree. I would never run in a sports bra. Not even inside in my own house. And I am only a few pounds over the century mark ... I'm just not comfortable.

Lucky Girl said...

I agree. I'm one of the newbies and I feel like I should look like that and I should be able to run! I've done week 1 of the c25k! I'm really enjoying it, but my right knee is not happy with me. I can barely walk on it, not sure if i'm doing something wrong. If you have any tips for me i would love them!!

Zoë said...

I completely agree with you! :)

Sherry @ Life from my persective said...


Jen said...

Oh no.... I think you just might be a candidate for the next cover shot... shoot them an email and let them know how you feel... you NEVER know!

Jenny said...

Totally agree. Hi, btw! Stumbled onto your blog through another that I read, and am very much enjoying your posts!

ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

Amen! The point is to be fit, not if you can flash a six pack to all the neighborhood kids. Puh lease! Glad I'm not the only runner not rocking a washboard belly. Cause it just ain't nevah gonna happen, & I'm getting too old to keep trying or to even see the point anymore.