Sunday, September 12, 2010

What to do now?

Well I left the house at 3:30 and returned at 5:15. I totally failed running my 15 miles. It is HOT and I was so tired I almost felt sick. My pace was good but I just couldn't hold it and slowing down seemed even harder. It is like this run was doomed from the beginning. I never run in the afternoon, but somehow I just thought I could whip it out by myself in the heat of the day? So mentally I feel horrible, and have little flickers of doubt floating around. What was I thinking? I have never not finished a run so I am not sure what to do with this?? Right now my face is bright as a cherry and my big fat blister has returned so I am limping around the house. Grrrrr!

Should I run 5 tomorrow to make up the miles or REST like I am suppose to? Sorry to disappoint anyone...I feel horrible. I can only take comfort in knowing that tomorrow is a new day...fresh slate. Hoping I can cut myself some slack and not pout the rest of the night. I'll give it my best shot!

Have you ever had a run you didn't finish? How do you come back strong for your next run?


Unknown said...

You are right...every day is a new day. I was sick and totally missed my long run yesterday. I only had time to make up 7 of it today and usually I would completely be freaking out about it, but I decided that I am perfect about sticking to the schedule and I never miss a run that I am scheduled for so, one bad day or missed run won't hurt us. However, you got in a good 10 in the heat of the day. That is a huge accomplishment. I would say no, you don't have to make up that 5. Start fresh tomorrow.

Middle Name Marie said...

I say take a rest day. It will recharge you, and you will be itching for a run come Tuesday. Running in the heat is hard. I am so glad it is starting to cool down. Don't beat yourself up. Just learn from it and move on.

AngMomof3 said...

You didn't fail.

You were a great mom today. And a faithful wife. And an over the top great sister in law and auntie. And an encouraging friend.

I vote you take a break tomorrow. Forget the "plan" of 15 miles that was your plan and embrace the idea that there was a reason for you to not do it all.

Tomorrow see if you can take time to be still and know instead of completing what you think should have been done today. It won't make or break your race. You'll still finish with flying colors!

abbi said...

I'd say skip the remaining miles and just move on with your schedule as planned. I had to miss a run a few weeks ago and I'm so glad I did now. It definitely recharged me!

Sherry @ Life from my persective said...

Running is way more mental than anything else, and by now, we all pretty much know that there are bad runs and good runs. For me - the bad runs out number my good ones, but the feeling I have when finishing an awesome run is usually enough to motivate me to try again after a bad one. Try not to beat yourself up about a bad run... they happen to all of us! Rest today - that may be just what your body needs anyhow and then start again with a new day and new perspective! You can do it!!!

H Love said...

thanks so much! I really appreciate you all taking time to give me a pep talk!

H Love said...

thanks so much! I really appreciate you all taking time to give me a pep talk!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

REST on Monday! You had a BUSY week and busier weekend and you know you will bounce back this week! Think how fast you returned to action after your ITBS?! Tomorrow is a new day! :)

Teamarcia said...

Sometimes my runs are so shitty I consider the whole thing a sunk cost and cut my losses by stopping. Coming back and rocking the next one will help you build mental toughness. Tomorrow is another, better day!

Julie D. said...

first time visiting your blog! I'm running Portland too. hang in there. Everyone has bad days. Some days, it is just smarter to stop then to push through and hurt yourself. Look forward to following your journey!

Ramblin' On said...

About you resting and not pushing...Reminds me of when Cori said to stop one week and truly you come back stronger...I've done this and have. I ran 10 today and will only do 1 hour yoga tomorrow in my preparation for Saturday's run. Take care and hope your toes get better.