Sunday, March 21, 2010

7 Mile Run

Pictures below are from my run this morning. The weather was nice and luckily we missed the rain by running early. Two running buddies....very impressive eh?
My dear friend (on the left) posed with her post run blisters. She was a trooper and even prompted a last minute sprint despite the bloody heels! Ouch! My other running buddy, who I am considering calling Gazelle due to her amazing strides and ability to 'bound" afetr 7 miles did great, and I can tell she is a natural.

7.07 miles
8:52 pace
1:02 and 42 sec.

My GARMIN is having a few tech issues so I wasn't able to get the break down (hubby is on it), but I am very happy to see we were able to come in under nine. Seems unreal for me, but is very exciting.

The day just contined to get better. Great sermon and morning worship at church.
Then I was off to look for new running shoes...and I came home with a purchase. Check out the last pic...details to follow!



Great pace! Those pictures totally grossed me out!

Wendy said...

Great pace!